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Animal of the Week
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Kiki's Hope For Animals

Who We Are

We rescue animals from the streets in Serbia and Romania and a considerable number of animals are now brought to us and dumped at our tiny shelter too.


In the UK (and wider world) we can offer a lifeline to dogs and cats who face horrendous daily threats and for whom a terrible death awaits, either on the streets where they have been abandoned and are treated like vermin or in pounds where there is often no such thing as a merciful end.

Welcome to
What We Do

We treat their injuries and illnesses, try and heal their souls and where possible, we prepare them for a future home of their own in a loving family.


​Many have been family pets who have been cruelly abandoned and left to fend for themselves so to offer one a safe haven and a loving home is a deeply rewarding thing to do.


We also have a lot of long term cats and dogs who will never be homed due to health or behavioural issues or simply the fact that it’s hard to find adopters for older animals. They need ongoing food, shelter and veterinary care.

About Our Animals

Our adult cats and dogs for adoption are neutered/spayed, microchipped and vaccinated against diseases including rabies. They are tested for common diseases plus Brucella and enter the UK with full DEFRA/APHA checks in place.

Special Cases
Click below to read about the stories of some of our most impactful animals.
A big thank you to all of our supporters.
We couldn't do it without you!
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Kiki's Hope for Animals

© 2023 by Chloe Long

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