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Wendy’s Pack

My name is Wendy and I am both a member of the admin team and an adopter (6 Kiki’s Hope dogs so far) plus 3 non Kiki's Hope dogs

We are a small, friendly group with the welfare and care of animals at the heart of everything we do. I’ve been involved with this group for several years now and I initially wanted to help out as I was so impressed by the care, kindness and dedication shown to the animals in the group’s care.

Our Kiki's Hope dogs are all very different but equally loving. Having a large number of dogs is obviously hard work but incredibly rewarding. 3 of our dogs are “special needs” which was thoroughly discussed before transport arrangements were put in place.

Guidance and advice are always available and there is a very keen will to follow dogs/cats progress once adopted as huge amounts of love and effort go into each and every animal. In a harsh environment such as rescue, being able to see precious lives transformed in their forever homes is heartwarming.

We initially fostered Padme who we fell in love with and she stayed 😊 then came Zoe, Rusty, Fleur, Sky and Callum. More to follow on Fleur ❤️

I love and am proud of this group and being able to make a real difference to animals lives and am grateful for the trust placed in me xx

Wendy C - First adoption in 2018


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